We provide everything from our side to be safe

We provide everything from our side to be safe

Distance, masks and keeping hands clean – everyday must. 

We offer all our employees whose responsibilities can be performed without being in the Company, starting remote work, and lowering the risks of the spread of disease. We are using the benefits of separate buildings to our advantage and we are keeping apart, by banning any rotation of employees between the Company’s facilities. Disinfecting work tools and work surfaces at the end of the working day is obligatory. Temperature measurements are performed every morning for all employees in the Company. 

These and much more actions from our “Guidelines for Covid-19 Emergency Situation in AE Partner” must be followed in our Company’s premises. 

We are doing the best we can in our organization to prevent the spread of a virus 

But we must recognize, most important are our employee behavior out of the company premises. It is up to the team members to keep our Company safe. 

We provide everything from our side to be safe, and we trust or team that they are keeping each other safe as well. 

At the moment we are capable to operate at full capacity.